Samsung conducts 500-mile test of autonomous navigation technology

Autonomous Navigation Demonstration
Mokpo Maritime University’s training ship sails more than 500 nautical miles to demonstrate Samsung’s autonomous navigation system (Mokpo)

Posted by Nov 24, 2022 at 3:21 PM

Maritime Executive

South Korean shipbuilder Samsung Heavy Industries successfully demonstrated its autonomous navigation technology using a 9,000-ton university training ship that sailed more than 500 nautical miles in South Korean waters. Just days ago, rival shipbuilder Daewoo Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering also tested its autonomous navigation system using a small boat in coastal waters. As part of efforts to develop a new generation of high-value ships, the South Korean government and shipbuilding industry are placing a high priority on the development of this technology.

“The success of this demonstration is a meaningful achievement, confirming the performance and operational stability of SAS in realistic and complex maritime situations,” said Kim Hyeon-jo, head of Samsung Heavy Industries’ Ship and Ocean Research Center. “As a technology pioneer , we will fulfill our roles and responsibilities in the formulation of the security legal system while technologically innovating.”

Samsung reported that its Samsung Autonomous Ship (SAS) system was deployed on a large training vessel at Mokpo Maritime University with special permission from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries.This Segro is a 436-foot vessel built in 2018 for the University. It seats 239 people and offers a wide range of training facilities.

The demonstrations began on November 15 and lasted four days from the southern city of Mokpo. The training ship traveled a total of 512 nautical miles to submerged rock formations nearly 100 miles from the island and Jeju Island in the South China Sea (East Sea), before heading east to Dodo Island in the East Sea (East Sea). Japan) to test and verify the operation of autonomous navigation systems.

Segero Bridge during the Autonomous Navigation Demonstration (SHI)

This Segro Equipped with Samsung Heavy Industries’ remote autonomous navigation system, it successfully and safely avoided 29 dangerous situations of collision with other ships during autonomous navigation. The shipyard noted that it encountered a particularly challenging area while passing near the islands of Outlying Islands, where offshore fishing is active. The system recognizes in real time the complex collision situation in which multiple fishing boats approach from the bow and starboard side at the same time. The SAS system recalculates every five seconds and establishes an accurate and safe avoidance route.

The SAS system combines radar information, data from the AIS system and camera images to develop its situational awareness. It also integrates ICT technology, including 360-degree surround view monitoring. The system automates engine and rudder control to avoid collisions.

Samsung reports that it is the first company to receive approval from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries to demonstrate an autonomous navigation system in this environment. According to the company, there are currently no safety regulations that allow autonomous ships to operate at sea. They worked with Mokpo and the Korean Register to develop operational guidelines. This includes risk assessment, identification of risk factors and development of a risk management plan, which has been reviewed and approved by the Ministry.

Shipyards in South Korea are working on developing new systems that integrate artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, big data, and sensors to develop systems capable of operating next-generation ships.modern car in a test pacific crossing with gas carrier, while DSME taking the test Using a small boat off the coast near Seoul last week. DSME plans to test its system on a larger ship in 2023, with the aim of commercializing the system by 2025. Hyundai is advancing plans for the first version of the technology, which will be introduced to recreational yachts in 2023.

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