A fire destroyed businesses in central Lyon on Thursday morning. Firefighters got it out, but not before it burned down the building.
“It sucks. That’s for sure,” James Sherman said.
Holly Beck and Jenaé Sigg, who own two of the businesses, say they have had little success.
“I could smell it and go around the front and let everyone know to get out of the building,” Baker said.
“She said, ‘Get out. Get out of the burning building,'” Schick added.
Holly owns Bellwether by HJB Designs, a boutique that sells her leather goods and other local art. It took her a year and a half to get the business off the ground, but now she says her future is uncertain.
“I can barely comprehend what’s going on now, let alone what my next step is,” Baker said.
Jenaé has Lovely by Nature Dog Grooming just around the corner. She was grooming a dog when the fire broke out. She said it all happened so quickly that she didn’t have time to think. She said she only had time to grab the animal she was grooming and some items and run away.
“Just grabbed a couple of scissors and my wallet and that was it. My store was swallowed up,” Schick said.
She says owning the salon is her dream and she just celebrated her first anniversary. Now it’s all gone.
“Watching it burn, I just couldn’t do it,” she said. “It’s my favorite place to go.”
It was a devastating financial blow for both women, especially at their busiest time of year. Holly and Jenaé say it will take time for them to really understand what happened and how they will move forward, but say they will somehow recover.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to open another store,” Schick said.
They say they now rely on the community to help them get through this holiday season. Holly said she is holding an auction for artists to help them sell works that were undamaged by the fire that began on Saturday, December 12. From 17:00 to 4:00 pm they will be open every day until 12th December. On the 23rd, Jenaé will continue grooming her dogs throughout the holidays, and will also host an online fundraiser to help her get back on her feet.